

General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division from Waukesha,Wis., to Beijing. In addition to moving the headquarters, the company will invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers. This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year but paid no taxes - the same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States.

So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs. I guess this President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs

Does all this suggest you should be buying a GE product for Christmas ?

1 comment:

Alex said...

While my comment is somewhat tongue in cheek, it bears within its words, lots of truths.

American companies are not in the business of providing Americans jobs with benefits. American companies are in the business of making money and continue to stay in business.

If the American Government tries to increase taxes on American businesses and if American workers demand increases in salaries and benefits to buy the toys they think they need, then American businesses will simply relocate to other parts of the world, so that they can continue to be profitable.

It is nothing personal, just business...

I believe the CEO of GE is a man named Immult (spelling) who is also Obama's Job Czar. Several months ago, when this move was first announced The Savage Nation, a conservative talk show, announced this move on the air; but not so much to criticize GE but to criticize Obama for appointing this man.

It is really getting difficult to determine who the good guys are anymore.