
In His or Her Image

By Alex Hutchins

Whether you are affluent or not affluent; whether you are wealthy or poor; whether you are black or white or in between, and whether you live in one country or another, we all create art.  We bang out rhythms on taut goat skins or bang two sticks together, create pottery or weave tapestries, write poetry or prose, sing songs or dance , we all in some form or another use creative artistic expressions to in some way capture or reflect our human experiences.  In fact, our artistic expressions do not just define our human experiences but helps define what it means to be human.  Just as we were created so too do we create.

But, what does it mean to be creative?  Our online dictionary, shows us that, cre·a·tiv·i·ty  [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee, kree-uh-] in a noun form has the following definitions:
1. -  the state or quality of being creative.
2. -  the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination: the need for creativity in modern industry; creativity in the performing arts.
3. -  the process by which one utilizes creative ability: Extensive reading stimulated his creativity.

Whether you realize it or not; whether you want to believe it or not, and whether you want to agree with me or not, we are all creative and whether we live in Africa, Asia, Iran, Japan, or South America, we all have this creative trait in common.  Creativity transcends race, religion, cultures, and ethnicities and is and will always be a universal language, despite wars and any other barriers that we want to place between us to prevent us from considering each other as brothers and sisters.

Collectively, our creative expressions convey:  greed, lust, famine, hunger, fame, fortune, love, hate, war, peace, uncertainty, bitterness, regret, success, failure, marriage, divorce, violence, smiles, happiness and much, much more…  It is a record of who we were, who we are, and who we want to become.

If you want to know 10 steps for boosting creativity, click here.


terry said...

Is "dancing fingers" on the steering wheel creative? Cause thats about all I can think that would be the "creative" streak in me. And I come from people who are renowned artists, musicians, poets, and song writers. Hmmmmmmmm, maybe thats the reason I get along so well with dogs :-)


the link didn't work.
maybe this one will

Alex said...

Thanks Dan - it is fixed now.