
Friends to Everybody

Who Wants to Listen
by Alex Hutchins

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in a land far, far away and in the minds of men, a belief developed, not far from the door of imagination, that an evil resides in the heart of man unlike any other; an evil that preys upon our souls condemning us to live a life of despair, solitude, and emptiness; an evil that can only be quenched and satisfied when the superstitions of man are replaced by the superstitions of faith; a faith in a belief that commerce and currency are more important than brotherhood.    

Throughout the years, from century to century, this legacy, our legacy has been passed down from family to family and even though we knew better, it was the only life we knew . . .
Today, this legacy lives on.   

And, we live in a world where money is the only ticket to the best show in town, like going to a Cirque du Soleil performance where only the performers are the ones who are ordinary and live in an ordinary world and the audience sees what they want to see not what’s being performed on stage even though they have saved enough money to buy a ticket.

Uninspired performances is not was Cirque du Soleil is all about nor should it be what we, as Americans, are all about.  This land that time forgot should no longer continue to be part of our mythological personality.  We have no real justification to be motivated or perverted by the "color of money;" and yet, that is precisely what seems to be our Achilles' heel.

Despite all false prayers and sympathetic vibrations tangent to the lie, we live in a hypocritical world where the only truth emanates from the small country of Qatar juxtaposed between Saudi Arabia and Iran but is as bold as the media empire it owns and the outdated belief this little country can be friends to everybody.

What an interesting concept:  BROTHERHOOD.  


Anonymous said...

Good One! I also like Terry's remark "we live in the stupidest country in the world".

terry said...

Cant help but think of Roman Empire here. Wasnt their obsession with money their downfall?