
On the Road Again

From Transparency to Translucency

by Alex Hutchins

EAST TN – I am “tickled pink” that Americans elected Obama to the Whitehouse in the last Presidential election showing the rest of the world how progressive this country could be and how quickly this country could change when it needed to; and even though, this movement has been contradicted by an impotent, hidden agenda Congress and Senate,  the Obama administration and the Democratic National Party pledged a new era of openness amid an economic climate of uncertainty and doubt and to some, foreboding as indicated by David Frum, CNN contributor, in his article of July 12, 2011 entitled Obama’s 5 big mistakes wrote, If the debt ceiling crisis were a movie, President Barack Obama would deserve an Oscar for his performance in the role of ‘the last reasonable man.’”

It has only been recently and without the help of the current administration that our economy has been showing signs of improvement.  Surely the massive amounts of money that the Feds pumped into the economy did not take 3 years to trickle down?  No, I don’t think so – at least, not in my opinion;  I think people and companies just got tired of waiting for the Government (including the Congress and Senate) to take action.

Most business plans are developed 3-5 years out and in some cases projections take more of a looksee out into the future and all businesses know that these plans eventually have to be executed or abandoned, regardless of the inaction of our Government.  As they say, “. . . it is nothing personal, it’s just business . . .”
And yet, I find it curiously interesting and amusing that a President so anti-enamored by the wealth of business and individuals that he feels compelled to push for raising taxes on these filthy people, while at the same time has his own hands out.  In fact, in an article written on 1-13-12, Fredreka Schouten, USA TODAY, states,
WASHINGTON – President Obama and the Democratic Party have raised more than $240 million for his re-election, swamping his rivals' fundraising as the president races to build a war chest to defend against the eventual Republican nominee and deep-pocketed GOP "super PACS."

Obama collected more than $42 million during the closing three months of the year, his campaign announced Thursday, while more than $24 million went to the Democratic National Committee, to help build a national campaign infrastructure ahead of the November election.

The fundraising puts Obama roughly on par with the amounts raised by President George W. Bush at this point in his 2004 re-election effort. But this year's contest is markedly different.  Read entire article 

So, what do we conclude from this ever so American brand of hypocrisy?    Simply put:  money talks.  And, for those who do not know how to get it, they must rely on those who do know how to get it and hope that they want to share it whether they really want to share it or not.

Disclaimer:  Please do not label me a Republican because of my comments above nor should you label me a Democrat because of future comments I might make nor should you label me a Libertarian because I believe in the original interpretation of the Constitution.  I am first and most importantly an American that will not be branded by any political or religious ideology.  I am a free thinker and simply believe that there is some truth in all opinions no matter how limited or far fetched those opinions might be.  My naive vision is that one day, it will not be about electing political parties but about electing those who can take America into the future and into a marketplace of global competitiveness.  Will that day ever arrive?  Probably not.  But, in the meantime, if our politicians are going to talk the talk, then they should learn to walk the talk.

1 comment:

terry said...

I agree. When he ran for prez, almost all of his campaign contributions came from the little people. He promised he was going to help "us" but from what I've seen, we got little from his promises. In the meantime he's appointed CEO's of major corporations to various heads of departments in the government and I can only think those positions are paying back for their large campaign contributions this time around. If he did so well last time, I wonder what made him think he no longer needed us as donors?