
. . . SIMPLY AMAZING . . .

On the CBS Early Show that aired 1-19-12, it was announced that Paula Deen, a very popular Food Network Chef had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 3 years ago and had kept that information away from her viewers and producers of the show. 

Paula Deen is considered the “butter & heavy cream Queen” of cooking and apparently the news “pissed off” a lot of people, who for some reason must have intuitively believed that one could eat like that and not gain weight nor contract an illness like diabetes. 

The Paula Deen Breakfast Burger


     Hello people! 


It does not take a nuclear physicist to figure out that cooking and eating with butter, lard, lots and lots of salt, and other types of fats and carbs is bad for you. 

In Deen’s defense of herself, she said that she always talked about moderation when eating, but in the several times that I have watched her show, she never mentioned moderation once and jokingly asked one show if viewers had been counting the number of sticks of butter that she had used so far, and I had, and it was 5 and the show was not half over.

But, this is not about food or being over-weight or cooking with butter, it is about not being able to think for ourselves anymore which is really sad and then blaming someone because of what we, ourselves alone, did not do.  

This reminds me of a graduate class I recently taught and awarded all students on their first paper a high “D” because there were spelling errors, punctuation errors, sentence structure errors, quotes from the textbook were not used to support their thoughts, etc., and the students got mad because I did not tell them what I would be looking for on the Syllabus.  

  • We have Churches that tell us what to think. 
  • We have television shows that tell us how to behave and what to eat.
  • We have television commercials that tell us what to buy.
  • We have employers that tell us how to work.
  • We have (some of us) wives that tell us how to dress.
 and, the worst of all . . .

We have technology terrorism,                                              

. . . with the constant use of cell phones, we are developing posture and neck muscle issues.  The increase in vehicular accidents is being attributing to the use of cell phones in our cars.  Interpersonal skills are vanishing like the Buffalo's because of the apps that we purchase and download to our cell phones.  And, since Steve Jobs was an introverted type of person is this what he had in mind when he introduced the iphone? 


Anonymous said...

I'm not complaining but I did admire Paula Deen. I'll say nothing in her defense but have you tried her recipe for 1 inch thick T-bone steaks?

Alex said...

No, but watched her show all the time and liked it when her son took her recipes and revised them into healthy ones.

terry said...

DUH! Her recipes are heart attack on a plate and she's FAT! Didnt take a rocket scientist to figure out her diet would cause her eventual health problems.