

Could it be that African countries will be the new outsourcing location for businesses to find cheap labor in the next decade?

Will President Obama run on an even playing field this year because the younger voter who wanted to make history by voting for the first black president are now less attracted to him because they are jobless and looking for work?  One College professor in Tampa, Florida says “yes”.

It is a stretch, but will the workweek shift down to 30 hours per week to keep employers from paying benefits to employees?  On average if a worker earns $50,000 the total cost to the employer is $150,000 due to benefits and that keeps us from being competitive in a global marketplace.

Will the U.S. Congress stop being corporate controlled and stop this age or arrogance and represent, for once in thirty years, the people’s demands by taxing the wealthy like they tax the middle class?

Will the U.S. Educational system continue to digress while PhD’s continue to argue over which theory is best for the country?

Will America still lead other countries in over the top pay for professional sports, movie stars, musical icons, and TV stars?

Will the wars on terrorism, drugs and immigration continue because our leaders don’t want them to end?

And will pharmaceutical companies continue to perpetuate illnesses by not finding cures because research dollars are so valuable to their bottom line?

We want to know if you’re wondering too.  Leave a comment by clicking on the comment button below.


terry said...

Too many questions to address. Yes to some, no to others.


One thing for certain. There will be even more questions than answers.

Anonymous said...

The indecisions by government are leading now to the people readying themselves for a violent revolution outbreak this summer. No one in politics gives us hope anymore.


The greatest mistake everyone is making is trying to place hope in politicians. Forget em. We are also too dependent on government for answers. WE the people should have the answers and not be looking towards government for every fix. Just hold the politicians accountable for giving us fair rules to play by. That's all.