
Will the circle be unbroken?

In the early 1900's, unions were formed because businessmen were exploiting the worker and The Great Depression humbled the wealthy and prosperity in America but improved gradually.  Wars then technology and speculation fueled the growth even more until a deep recession began to erode the financial gains the middle class had made and unemployment hovered around 10% reported and a total of near 20% unreported. 

The wealthy managed to escape the indignities of financial declines and decay while middle-class movements failed to recoil the stinky of greed.  Elected officials who were strangers to poverty used the only words they knew " unacceptable and no compromise" as they fought arm-to-arm in the trenches of decadence, making sure that they were not the ones to disappoint the general public by making a rash decision favoring neither the rich nor the poor. 

The voices of the ultra rich, like the tolling of the bells, suggested more taxation and a cessation of programs that generated no revenues at all but some programs they had to keep to shave off the thin layer of guilt they felt. So, stalemate after stalemate was reported in the news in a lighthearted way so as not to disappoint the advertisers who wanted the viewers to purchase their products. 

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
The animals paraded playfully up and down the city streets as joyous onlookers gawked at the sights in utter dismay and law enforcement kept the peace and street cleaners policed the jubilation.  And, in the midst of all the smoke that was blown, voters voted in what they thought would not betray them only to find SOS (same old shit) the next day. 

The circle remains unbroken and will always be that way.

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