
Super PACS and SB Advertising

Money. . .  Money . . . Money . . .

Six Million Dollars a minute is what advertisers are willing to pay to air a commercial during Super Bowl 2012.

Billionaires, Millionaire, and a variety local and multi-national companies, are blowing life giving air into political campaigns to the tune of Two to Ten Million Dollars.

States are raising taxes, laying off workers, and cutting funding to education due, in part, to the domino effect of the present recession and quite possibly donations to Super PACS.

Airlines are “toying” with mergers, creating potential monopolies while cutting services to passengers and routes to smaller cities so that consolidation might free up monies to invest in Super PACS or SB ads.

Big Game Hunters are paying thousands of dollars to stalk and kill rare African animals on private ranches in Texas with the supposition that some of these ranchers may invest in Super PACS.

In the words of Pete Seeger, folk musician,

     When will it ever end . . .  when will it ever end?


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