
What Do We Know About Obama?

Barack Obama has been our President for a couple of years now, and what do we really know about him?

Have any of his Columbia classmates stepped forward?

Have any of his College Professors stepped forward?

Have any of his previous girl friends stepped forward?

Who were his childhood or high school friends?

Where is Michele Obama’s Princeton thesis on Racism?”

Who was the best man at his wedding or the bride’s maids?

Where are all the photos of his life that other Presidents have shared?

We know “tons” on information on previous Presidents, athletes, movie stars, and other celebrities, but nothing or very little (in comparison) on our current President.  We know about President Kennedy even though his father spent millions controlling the media.  We know about Truman and Lincoln and Clinton but squat about Obama.  Even Tiger Woods has been stripped of all the curtains that hid his true identity and behavior.

Where is our investigative, tabloid media?

Don’t we want to know why?

Don’t you want to know?


Anonymous said...

No. I just want him to be a good president.

terry said...

He was born in Kenya and is moslem, thats why there are no early pictures of him :-)