

American Independence Day – July 4, 1776 and represents the day that the US declared its independence from Great Britain. 

Storming of the Bastille
Thirteen years and 14 days later, France has its own independence day which was celebrated this past Saturday, July 14, 2012.

Bastille Day - July 14, 1789
The French Independence Day is Bastille Day, July 14. It's called that because it celebrates the storming of the Bastille, a famous prison, during the French Revolution, in 1789. With the taking of this prison, the movement to replace a two-person government with a representative government began.
France at that time was ruled by King Louis XVI and his queen, Marie Antoinette. It was an absolute monarchy, meaning that whatever the king and queen wanted, they got. It didn't matter whether the people were starving in the streets, so long as the royal banquet tables were full.
And it wasn't just the king and queen, either, who got to enjoy royal desserts. Rich people and others that the king and queen liked were invited to dine at the royal table or stay at the royal residence. And all the time, the mobs starved in the streets. Marie Antoinette is said to have exclaimed, to a question of what the starving people should eat, "Let 'em eat cake."
If you have ever been in Paris on July 14, it is quite a celebration with citizen and foreigners literally floating down city streets on streaming clouds of wine, hugging and kissing, having a good ole time with no enemies and no cares in the world.
Like the events that preceded Bastille Day in France, American citizens are being treated like French peasants by the wealthy 1% and while it is true that the rich are getting rich and the poor poorer at an alarming rate, those caught in the middle (the ones on whose backs this country was built) are quietly being forgotten.
This is not a 1920’s cry out:  “let’s go join the Communist Party, so we can all feel equal,” but a plea to middle class American to stop returning “idiots” to the Congress and Senate because you’ll see a no greater Ship of Fools, anywhere else. 
It is a plea to middle class Americans to stop supporting the wealthy because they are just as arrogant as Marie Antionette.
It is a plea to all Americans to storm the “bastille” and take our country back – return it to the Republic that our Founding Fathers originally created.

It is a plea to all Americans to “demand” that Corporations and businesses hire workers with the massive amounts of profits that they have made over the last 10 quarter, instead of paying it all out in dividends to stockholders. 
Yes, this is true and you will read about it in my post tomorrow entitled Corporate Profits.
Let them eat cake!

It is pleas to all Americans, to vote people into Congress and the Senate that will STOP Corporate Greed, Wall Street Greed, Pharmaceutical Company Greed, Political Greed, Healthcare Industry Greed, and the Need-to-be-success-at-all-Cost Greed.
And, don’t talk down to me by saying greed is good because I understand and support that concept; but, you know as well as I do, it is the obscene greed, the out-of-place greed, and the above-the-law greed that is wrecking havoc on our country.  And, it does not take a PhD to understand what I mean because we teach this in ETHICS classes in every College and University Program in this country – SO, why is it that once our leaders graduate, they have a tendency to ignore Ethics, Integrity, and Morals and tell us like Marie Antoinette to “eat cake?”

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