

Americans are Tired of These Old Farts
By Victor M Adamus

Only an asshole would be looking for that answer.

Old farts is right.  They used to be known as the Dixiecrats.  Remember them shutting down the government under Bill Clinton?  They learned one lesson back then.  How much it cost the government to reinstate Federal employees.  Now it’s too damn late to teach them anything else as this November it already looks like a sweep of getting these fascists out of the House and Senate.  Lessons this country has paid dearly for and cannot take more of a “do nothing” Congress that hates this country, its’ people, and the communities they claim to represent.  If you do the math it’s quite possible a majority of the Dixiecrats are now Tea Partiers.  The Morons are back with renewed hatred.  Yet they say they are experts of the Constitution going back to heroes like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.  A time when government by the people was defined.  Both those signers of the Constitution put compromise first and cared about communitarianism.

They blocked nine job bills, for example, which would have put six million people back to work shows their contempt for the American worker.  They took a loyalty oath to protect and defend the Constitution and in the same week signed a pledge not to raise taxes by an outsider who is considered anti-American and racist.  Yesterday they filibustered a Senate Bill to cut taxes for people who make under $250,000 a year.  I tell you, they hate this country.

The same Dixiecrat, tea partiers who were screaming and spitting in the faces of congressmen for trimming Medicare in 2009, are now screaming to destroy the whole Medicare system they rely on.

Tell that to Mitt Romney.

It’s painfully obvious that while progressive Americans are fighting hard to improve the lives of average Americans, the Tea party are still fighting in the civil war!!

Well, it’s time for them to go.  We need that balance, that level playing field that President Obama talks about.  A period of space and time when grown up adults in the Congress negotiate and come together for what is best for the middle class.  We will never see that happen if the Tea Party is re-elected to the House and Senate November 6th.

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