by Alex Hutchins
1870 The 15th Amendment is passed. It gives former slaves the right to vote and protects the voting rights of adult male citizens of any race.
1920 The 19th Amendment guarantees women's suffrage.
Can you imagine that America gave black male slaves the right to vote 50 years before giving that same right to women?
1924 Indian Citizenship Act grants all Native Americans the rights of citizenship, including the right to vote in federal elections.
1944 The Supreme Court outlaws "white primaries" in Smith v. Allwright (Texas). In Texas, and other states, primaries were conducted by private associations, which, by definion, could exclude whomever they chose. The Court declares the nomination process to be a public process bound by the terms of 15th Amendment.
1957 The first law to implement the 15th amendment, the Civil Rights Act, is passed. The Act set up the Civil Rights Commission—among its duties is to investigate voter discrimination.
Can you imagine that America had to pass a law to implement a Constitutional Amendment?
1961 The 23rd Amendment allows voters of the District of Columbia to participate in presidential elections.
Can you imagine citizens living in America’s capital could not vote in presidential elections until 1961?
1966 The Supreme Court, in Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections, eliminates the poll tax as a qualification for voting in any election. A poll tax was still in use in Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, and Virginia.
1971 The 26th amendment sets the minimum voting age at 18.
Can you imagine that America sent young men and women off to fight wars and die for this country to protect freedom but did not give them the right to vote until 1971?
1972 In Dunn v. Blumstein, the Supreme Court declares that lengthy residence requirements for voting in state and local elections is unconstitutional and suggests that 30 days is an ample period.
1995 The Federal "Motor Voter Law" takes effect, making it easier to register to vote.
2003 Federal Voting Standards and Procedures Act require states to streamline registration, voting, and other election procedures.
Can you imagine that America passed this law (directly above) almost 10 years ago and voter suppression is still taking place in America?
And, while this may only seem incredulous only to me, I simply cannot imagine how every 4 years, Presidential candidates always state unequivocally that they have OUR (America’s) best interests in mind.
I also cannot imagine how our Congressmen and women and how our Senators also state that they have our best interests in mind after reading the above chronology.
represent or reflect the integrity of
America or Americans!
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