

 GOP’s VP Paul Ryan

by Alex Hutchins

Mitt Romney, the Republican Party’s nomination for President in 2012, has said (Politico) that his choice for VP (Paul Ryan) is an “intellectual leader of the Republican Party,” because of his understanding of the Federal Budget deficits, and that “his (Ryan’s) budget proposals will save America;” even though the Democrats state that his (Ryan’s) plan “will actually increase (the deficits) in the first decade.”  Countering Republicans do not really dispute that fact, but “tout its (Ryan’s Plan) entitlement reform.”

So, before we go any further, what are entitlement programs?

The kind of government program that provides individuals with personal financial benefits (or sometimes special government-provided goods or services) to which an indefinite (but usually rather large) number of potential beneficiaries have a legal right (enforceable in court, if necessary) whenever they meet eligibility conditions that are specified by the standing law that authorizes the program. The beneficiaries of entitlement programs are normally individual citizens or residents, but sometimes organizations such as business corporations, local governments, or even political parties may have similar special "entitlements" under certain programs.

The most important examples of entitlement programs at the federal level in the United States would include Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, most Veterans' Administration programs, federal employee and military retirement plans, unemployment compensation, food stamps, and agricultural price support programs.

What do you (the reader) want to bet that Ryan’s budget proposal only targets specific entitlement, specifically designed to hurt the Democratic Party Leaders; but which, will in reality hurt the middle and lower class regardless of their party affiliations. 

For example, the Republican Party does not in any uncertain terms support the Gay/Lesbian movement in this country; and yet, there are many gays and lesbians that are members of the Republican Party.  Visit, Gay Republicans party at 'Homocon'

Returning to the intellectual leader of the Republican Party, who btw has been in the Congress for 14 years, he (Paul Ryan) has “consistently and loyally voted to increase the debt. He did not take political risks or buck his party to combat ‘our exploding deficits’ then. Instead, he voted for 65 different pieces of legislation to expand the debt. He requested earmarks. (Another pricey problem that he now opposes.)

This is not arcane “history,” either. It’s a record of creating the current problem that Ryan now touts as his guiding purpose to solve. In fact, the majority of today’s deficit comprises congressional spending decisions made during the last administration, which Ryan supported.”    Read more:

So, let’s recap . . .
We have a Republican 2012 Presidential candidate who is running on a platform against what he support when Governor of Massachusetts.


We have a Republican 2012 Vice Presidential candidate, who has been in the Congress for 14 years and consistently voted along Party lines, who now, like Romney (our Presidential candidate) is against what he voted for during the Bush Administration.

These 2 men along with the rest of the Republicans (both male and female) believe that this flip-floppin attitude is what’s going to fix this country’s economic ills?

This (to me) is beyond


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