
2012 Presidential Race


by Alex Hutchins

As a former and proud member of the US Navy, I have always found seals (above) to be cute and adorable, but hardly think they would ever get mad enough to attack our Commander-and-Chief . . .  Oh, I understand now, you mean these seals (below) . . .

Larry Bailey — the former Navy SEAL who founded Special Operations Speaks (SOS), the PAC critical of the president’s treatment of the military — isn’t shy when expressing his sentiments about President Barack Obama. In an interview with Foreign Policy magazine, Bailey characterizes Obama as a socialist, with a communist upbringing, who was not born in the United States.

“I have to admit that I’m a Birther,” the veteran said. “If there were a jury of 12 good men and women and the evidence were placed before them, there would be absolutely no question Barack Obama was not born where he said he was and is not who he says he is.”

"A new group of veterans, including former Navy SEALs, accuses President Obama of taking too much credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden. The group says it's nonpartisan. But a CNN investigation finds it has close links to the Republican Party," reported Joe Johns on Thursday's The Situation Room.

Republican Party . . .  go figure? 

"I know you know some of the criticism, and the criticism is that even though you claim to be nonpartisan, that this group is actually very partisan," anchor Soledad O'Brien grilled former Navy SEAL Scott Taylor on Friday's (17Aug12) Starting Point.

And CNN's words played into the White House talking points of a "Swift Boat" attack. "And this sort of has shades of 2004 and John Kerry," noted Joe Johns," to which correspondent Brian Todd added "And the Swift Boat campaign."

Todd later reported, "The Obama team denies taking part in any leaks and says the Republicans are resorting to Swift Boat tactics, a reference to the blistering 2004 attacks on John Kerry's Vietnam War record."      
Read more: 

Returning to the Soledad O’Brien interview:

“I know you know some of the criticism and it is that, even though you claim to be nonpartisan, that this group is actually very partisan,”

said O’Brien.

“You’re a Republican, you ran for Congress in 2010 in Virginia’s second congressional district. You have a rep in your group who worked for the Bush administration, you share office space with Republican groups. How do you answer that claim of being partisan when you claim that you’re not?”

Scott Taylor

“I answer that claim by first saying this is an American issue. You yourself have reported extensively on leaks, so have ever other network that’s out there,”

“I understand the criticism will say, people will say, you’re a Republican. Well, I’m an American first. I’m an American before I’m a Republican.”

Yeah Right!

During my time in the military (1969-1974), I had the privilege of encountering numerous “special forces” personnel, many of whom I discovered were “alcoholics” liked to “whore-around” after assignments and oftentimes were seen smoking “grass” at private parties in Norfolk and Little Creek, VA.  It was “common” to hear them bragging about the various missions in which they had participated. 

But . . .
special forces today
are not like
special forces when I
was in the military,

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