

Who Cares?

by Alex Hutchins

Yesterday morning on the CBS This Morning Show, Charlie Rose reported that in a recent opinion poll, President Obama was given a much higher score than Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney in terms of caring about people.

Yesterday, an article was published in The Economist entitled, So, Mitt, what do you really believe?  The article started off with the following paragraph:

"When Mitt Romney was governor of liberal Massachusetts, he supported abortion, gun control, tackling climate change and a requirement that everyone should buy health insurance, backed up with generous subsidies for those who could not afford it.  Now, as he prepares to fly to Tampa to accept the Republican Party’s nomination for President on August 30, he opposes all those things.  A year ago he favored keeping income taxes at their current levels; now he wants to slash them for everybody, with the rate falling from 35% to 28% for the richest Americans.”

In a recent interview with Politico that was published yesterday as well, Mitt Romney conceded that voters may think President Obama is more likeable, but he reiterated that he’s not going to put on a charade to win over the voters. 

“I know there are some people who do a very good job acting and pretend they’re something they’re not.” 

But, with Romney,

“You get what you see.  I am who I am.”

Let’s overlook the direct reference (from the last quote) to an identical quote from The Bible; instead, I would like to focus on the comment that he made saying he was not going “to put on a charade to win over the voters.”  Well, pray tell, how did a Republican win the Governorship of one of the most liberal States in the union, supporting issues that are diametrically opposed to the fundamental platform of the Republican Party, if he (Romney) did not put on a charade?

I find it ludicrous to think that any member of the Republican Party would care about anything and anyone other than the bottom-line or in getting wealthier.  The Republican Party is the party of Big Business, the party of the wealthy, and the party of the 1%.  Businessmen and women are focused on generating profits and cutting expenses forecasting out in “real time” no more than 90 days or 1 quarter or 3 months because that is when dividend checks are paid to their stockholders, who are and will always be their first priority.

It is these wealthy stockholders who contribute to the Super PACS in the hopes that Republicans will become elected and pass legislation that favors the wealthy and big business.  And, to say that any Republican cares about anything different is a LIE, except when you are in need of winning an election in a Liberal State.

Now, I know that you are thinking that there are many wealthy individuals who are Democrats, and that Democrats have Super PACS too.  Yes, that is correct.  But, wealthy Democrats, especially going back to the days of the Kennedy’s, who were also from Massachusetts, made sure that their wealth was shared.  The Democrats are THE PARTY of the people in the sense of the people standing for the “common man and women.”

As a result, the Democrats will always be considered the party that CARES!

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