
Quote of the week

Huff Post reports:

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani continued hammering Vice President Joe Biden at an appearance at Salem's Tuscan Kitchen Wednesday, calling the vice president "dumb."

Giuliani referenced comments made by Biden in Virginia Tuesday, in which he told a crowd Mitt Romney wanted to "put them back in chains" by deregulating Wall Street. Giuliani subsequently appeared on CNBC and criticized Biden for the comments.

Piers Morgan and Rudy Giuliani

When Giuliani visited Piers Morgan, he continued his harangue with:

Biden got a “free pass,” and, had someone on the right made such a remark, far more outrage would have ensued.

If someone on the right, such as Sarah Palin or Paul Ryan, had made the same comment, Giuliani said, it would have been on the front page of The New York Times. “This man makes one stupid remark after another,” he said.

And we all have our fair share of gaffes, but when Republicans do it, it’s a national headline. When Biden does it, “it’s just old Uncle Joe Biden” and it’s okay.

But making that comment and “feigning a Southern accent” is “outrageous,” he said.  Morgan asked whether it’d have made a difference if Biden had said “shackles” rather than “chains.” Giuliani said he didn’t know, pointing again to the feigned Southern accent.

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