
The Ethics of Politics


I am not very smart nor am I very rich but I do have a few questions:

1.      Unemployment has remained hovering around 8% (currently 7.8% unless BLS lied) for a long time and yet there are 3.5 million jobs going vacant because employers cannot find Americans with specific skills, so how will Romney force Americans to acquire those skills?

2.      The Eurozone countries (America’s biggest customer) followed our BIG GREEDY BUSINESS lead and now there are in huge financial trouble which will impact our own recovery, and if they fail the American economy will fall short of expectations that Romney will have to sooner or later explain or will he not want to hold himself and big business accountable?

3.      IRAN is moving ahead with their nuclear explorations and a nervous Israel is sitting on a precipice ready to pounce at the slightest provocation, so how will Romney want to mediate that conflict, keeping us out of another war we cannot afford?

4.      The WEALTHY (in US and all over the world) hide their money in tax havens in the Grand Caymans and Monaco, collectively robbing global governments’ tax revenues that total the economies of America and Japan.  So, how will Romney prevent that from happening in the US which if it continues tax revenues from the wealthy will continue to stay low?

5.      Those who are living off the tit of America (entitlements) can out vote those who are not, so how will Romney prevent that from happening?

6.      How will Romney explain that oil refineries are operating (when not shut down) at 95% capacities so the flow of gasoline out to the customer will never increase no matter how much faster we extract the crude oil of out the ground?

7.      If the Republicans in the House and Senate spent the last 4 years trying to prevent Obama from winning a second term in office as President, so  don’t you think turnabouts is fair play, if Romney wins the election and how will he explain?

8.      The fastest growing population (birth rate) in America is Hispanics with African Americans second and Caucasians third so how will Romney create a sustainable future with those demographics?

9.      The fastest growing economy in the world today is China and in the next few years will surpass America with India a close second, forever changing the supply and demand of goods and services causing inflation here in the US, so how will Romney keep prices down?

10.  How will Romney force Americans in high school and college to acquire math, science, technology, and engineering skills when there is absolutely no desire to do so right now?

11.  How will Romney deal with America’s arrogance and the less than positive perceptions that the rest of the world has about Americans?

12.  Will Romney want to borrow more money from China to fight our war on Terrorism since tax revenues in this country are decreasing?  How about other wars to push American Democracy on the rest of the world?

13.  How will Romney reduce the outsourcing of jobs outside the US while at the same time keep our cost of living down that is brought about by companies using cheap labor?

14.  How will Romney convince Americans to reduce salary fringe benefit demands because the opposite prevents our companies from competing in the global marketplace?

15.  What educational programs will Romney want to put in place that will result in higher math, science, and English scores when compared to the rest of the world since we are currently ranked 17th?

16.  How will Romney change the habits of Americans so that they are not the biggest consumer of illegal drugs?

17.  How will Romney respond, if after being elected, the majority of American voters want him to push for increasing taxes on the rich and eliminate all their tax havens?

18.  How will Romney prevent the US from becoming a lesser economic power than it current is due to globalization while having the strongest military in the world?

19.  How will Romney change the greedy nature of Americans that causes them to so easily and willingly go into debt to get the toys they do not really need from which big business benefits?

20.  How will Romney stop American companies from relocating their operations overseas when the economic equilibrium is moving towards the Middle East and China?

Will Romney ever realize that the Wealthy will never be able to out vote the poor or middle class if they ever decide that they want to join forces?

I mean, this is still a Democracy.

If Americans wanted to, they could elect officials that would increase entitlements to all Americans to the point that the increases would bankrupt the country.

Boy, what would the wealthy do then?

It is not just theoretical folks, it is the REASON why all Democracies throughout history have eventually failed...

Think about that!

Or, Wonder like some of us still do...

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