


There seems to be 4 main land masses in our global world, which are the:
  • North and South Polar Caps
  • Areas of Europe, Asia, Africa
  • Americas

and a bunch of disconnected islands of various sizes, such as: 
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • Hawaii
  • Greenland
  • Iceland

as well as an enormous culturally diverse population, including both males and females (that continues to expand), who for all intents and purposes can be traced back to the same ancestry whether it be in Europe or Africa, that can be further traced back to the first humans on this planet (and we are indeed living on a planet in a huge [unimaginable] universe) regardless of how you or I believe they got here.

In addition, we must all accept the fact (whether scientific or religious) that we (all inhabitants of this planet) have become who we are today through a multitude of mutations that have resulted in our: 
  • Height and size
  • Propensity for disease
  • Aggressive nature
  • Predilection for survival
  • Perpetuation of our species

Simply put, in order to get where we are today, brothers and sisters must have had sexual relations with each other and produced children who produced children, etc.  It may not actually be what you or I want to here but there is no other way our population increase could have happened at the very beginning.

Jumping to the here and now, it is also true that technology has not only improved our “quality of life,” but it has virtually decreased the size of our planet in terms of “time” and how long it takes for one to travel from one side to the other side.  Traveling from the East Coast of America to the West Coast of America can be now compared to traveling from the East Coast of America to the East Coast of Asia.  In fact, it is now predicted by those who collect data and follow trends that Global Growth is going to take place in that Asian area.

Just as our planet is not the center of our Universe, the Americas will no longer be the central focus of our planet; consequently, as that focus changes so too will the economics associated with that focus change.  In other words, as the Asian areas increase in population and economic influence, the rest of the world, including the Americas, will decrease – it is just that simple.

We should all be aware of the massive flow of currency out of America and into the Middle East over the last 30-50 years due to the purchase of petroleum crude oil. 

We should all be aware of the economic growth of India and China as a result of providing low cost manufacturing to America to maintain our low cost standard of living.  And now, India has “invisible innovation” that helps the back offices of many businesses all over the world.

We should all be aware that America’s educational performance is ranked 17th in the world and while we study the Liberal Arts in Colleges and Universities, the rest of the world studies STEM:  Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math.

Regardless of the shifts that are taking place on our planet, we are indeed, one planet and one people sharing a common ancestry but not a common culture; we are more culturally diverse than ever, fighting like brothers and sisters, over:  land, power, & wealth.

And, what’s the point?


What’s the point?

What is happening in our Nation’s Capital in Congress and our inability to compromise over anything is indicative of what is happening in all countries all over the world as well as what is happening between countries all over the world.

And yet:

We all live on the same unique planet sharing the same limited resources that cannot sustain our global population growth and while wars does indeed “thin out the herd,” it does precious little to solve our “shrinking planet” issues.

Is this the ultimate result of the copulation of siblings?

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