
Quote of the Week

"I don't think we should get rid of guns…”
says Snoop Dogg…

The rapper hopes his new song, "No Guns Allowed," will make a difference when it comes to gun violence. He told Piers Morgan, "I kept hearing about all these school shootings and these people getting guns in their hands. ... I wanted to say something and I wanted to make some music to try to help the next person who was thinking about loading a gun, going to a school and shooting, maybe helping him put that gun down and think about what he was doing or what she was doing before they did that."

"[There were] certain scenarios,” Snoop went on to say that “ in my life where I had guns in my life, and I ran into a situation with the law where they came through my house and took all of the guns out of my house and put my family through a whole lot of unnecessary abuse and what not. And I just felt like I had got to the point in my career and my life where I didn't need guns in my life, because I didn't project that energy. I felt like I was positive and peaceful."

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