
World Travel

World Travel Market (WTM) Chairman, Fiona Jeffery OBE is leaving after 26 years to pursue other interests in the global travel and tourism industry. She will continue her role as Chairman of Just a Drop, the international water charity she founded in 1998. Reed Exhibitions has supported this charity since its inception and will continue to do so. Jeffery, who received the OBE for services to tourism last year, is to take on fresh challenges after leading World Travel Market (WTM) to its commanding position as the leading global event for the travel industry.

In 1997, as Exhibition Director, Jeffery launched World Travel Market’s “Environmental Awareness Day” which, with the support of the WTM team, she has developed into “WTM World Responsible Tourism Day” since 2005, and it is now the biggest event of its kind worldwide.

As founder of an international water aid charity she has also helped more than a million people in 30 countries to access clean, safe water. A further key milestone achieved by Jeffery and the WTM team has been the successful landmark WTM Ministers' Program in association with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Her work with Just a Drop has persuaded the industry, including many organizations, destinations, tourist boards, and operators to regularly raise funds.

"I am sad to go after all this time but proud of the achievements that have been realized by myself and the World Travel Market team," said Jeffery. "I leave behind a business that has grown to become a strong global brand.”

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