
If Poland Can, Why Can't We?

When I was growing up in the 50’s/60’s, there were all kinds of Polish jokes floating around like how many Poles does it take to screw in a light bulb and while I laughed at them and told a few myself, at least those I could remember, I never fully knew or even questioned why everyone teased about Poland.  But, the joke is on us because as they saw what goes around comes around.

Recently, I came across a story written in 2010 and according to the story, “Poland is the only European Union country to escape the recession in the past two years.”  That is pretty amazing because the recession of 2008 kicked the United States “in the proverbial ass,” from which we are still attempting to recover 5 years later.
Amy Kellogg, the original reporter of the story quotes Waldemar Pawlak, the Minister of Economy,

“Poland is the only country in the European Union that achieved economic growth, because of the great activity of Polish entrepreneurs and because of the very dynamic attitude of our businessmen.”
Another factor that has helped Poland avoid pain on the level some of its neighbors are experiencing is the fact that its citizens are not in debt to the extent others are.  The whole idea of credit is relatively new to this country.  So you will find people explain that they, for example, paid for their homes in cash.    

Jakub Lipinski, CEO of Polidea, a Polish software company, says,
“There is an anecdote that goes: A young man runs up to his grandfather and says ‘Grandpa, look how much I have in my piggybank, how much I have managed to save!’ The grandfather touches his head and says, ‘You shouldn’t learn how to save, you should learn how to earn money.’”     Read more:
So, here’s my question:  why can’t we find the entrepreneurs in this country that Poland has been able to find in their country?
  • Is there too much of a risk?
  • Are banks not willing to support start-up ventures?
  • Do venture capitalists want too much ownership for their investment?
  • Is it just too much work and effort for Americans?

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