
JcPenney Posed to Make Comeback

by Laura Heffner

As I had hoped, JcPenney would get it's act together and try for a comeback.  With Mike Ullman back at the helm JcPenney is fighting to save it's life from certain doom.  He has started to match up the online and store inventory which confused customers.  By re-syncing the store to it's online offerings, it's winning customers back.  

Ullman has decided to keep Johnson's "store within a store" such as Martha Stewart and Levi's format though it has not been quite completed but conceptualized.  He says by the holiday season, this will be up and running.  

Sales and promotions are coming back with a vengeance.  Though they feel that this is deceiving the customers by using this promoting techniques, if the customers feel they are getting a bargain (and I have to argue that it was less expensive to shop there prior to Johnson's changes) that they will return.  

Changing management.  Ullman is only there to bring JcPenney back to life and then attract a new CEO as well as develop a 5-year plan.  They are hoping that bringing in new management will also bring back and soothe investors as well.  

Regardless of how it is done, I am relieved that this favorite store of mine has woken up and smelled the coffee.  My fingers are crossed they are successful.  

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