
Helping to Avoid Cancer

CDC attributes the recent rise in syphilis primarily to gay and bisexual men; they have also released official guidelines for the use of PrEP to prevent the spread of HIVeven though some worry it could drive down condom use. Additionally, an editorial was just published which pushes for more gay and bisexual men to receive the HPV vaccine to prevent HPV associated cancers.

This new article outlines barriers to care for LGBT people with cancer, including the need for better cultural competency and policy changes, that were presented by expert speakers at the Cancer in LGBT Communities Conference in January, co-organized by the Network for LGBT Health Equitythe National LGBT Cancer NetworkMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Callen-Lorde.

Right after HRC released a study showing most people are closeted in the workplace, we see this interesting analysis showing that psychological flexibility may be key to being healthy and out at work. Nicely, some employers are listening, Trades Union Congress in England just published a new guide to bolstering the mental health of LGBT employees in the workplace.

study of trans men who presented at Fenway Health for sexual transmitted disease screening found high number of mental health issues (61%) and regular alcohol use (65%). Authors conclude trans men have a health vulnerabilities which may lead to sexual risk behaviors.

Trans Advocates in New York City took the stage in the HxRefractored Conference this week to protest lack of access to trans care through Medicaid. The NYC protests are just one of several recent health stories demonstrating the need for the May 17th International Day Against Homophobia

Read other recent news about health barriers for incarcerated trans people here and here.

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