
Where To Live?

survey of 35,000 individuals between the ages of 21 and 55, from 30 countries, came up with some pretty interesting, if not, moderately surprising results, about the sex practices and habits of those around the globe. 

Although they might be known for being crybabies at the moment, Brazilians are definitely not lacking in the bedroom.

While the global average of sex, including foreplay, is only 32.5 minutes, the majority of those surveyed (79 percent), are pretty satisfied with their sex life. 

The two countries where the highest amount of sexual satisfaction can be found is in England and Greece, followed by Japan to round out the top three sex-happy corners of the world. 

The Brazilians, do take the cake in the bedroom by having the most stamina. While the global average for sex is just over 30 minutes, 34 percent of Brazilians claim their average is 46 minutes or longer.

In contrast, on the other side of the globe, the Aussies don't have such a stellar reputation. For them, 10 percent of those surveyed said their average duration for sex was 10 minutes. 

Getting back to Europe, the Swiss and the Greek
really like to get around. Twenty-six percent of those from Switzerland and 25 percent of those from Greece have said to have slept with more than 20 people. 

75 percent of the French admitted to cheating. However, the Belgians and Australians are the least likely to stray and look for sex elsewhere.

When it came to those willing to admit they faked it, that award when to Colombians with 70 percent saying that those moans are big, fat lies, and Chile and Brazil weren't too far behind. 

Brazilians seem to fancy themselves quite the experts in bed (delusions of grandeur, I believe is the term), along with the Greeks and Italians. 

Spoon-feed me pasta during sex, and you'll be living in Italy.

Finally, rounding out the sex-related questions, when it came to owning sex toys, England came in first place with 94 percent having at least one in their drawer of treats. 

Last on that list was…  well, in order to find out, you will need to click here.

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