

Personal Opinion:  I would think all Politicians and all people (male/female) who are in positions of power are a little “oily” at times.  We live in an imperfect world and we are “flawed” because of our egos, biases or pre-conceived ideas, and jealousies.   And, very few of us do any kind of introspection outside of being pragmatic and believing the ends justify the means.  If you are honest with yourself which very few of us are, you will reluctantly admit this is true…

The ex-governor and his wife were accused of trading official government favors to businessman Jonnie Williams for more than $165,000 in loans and gifts, including a Rolex watch, luxurious vacations, a Ferrari ride and a $20,000 New York City shopping spree. Jurors convicted Bob McDonnell on all 11 corruption counts; Maureen McDonnell was found guilty of eight corruption counts as well as an obstruction of justice charge. They were both acquitted on charges of lying on loan documents.

The McDonnells could face lengthy prison terms and hefty fines; the sentencing is set to take place on Jan. 6, according to news reports. McDonnell defense attorney Hank Asbill told reporters that the couple will appeal the verdicts. The former governor himself made a brief comment outside the court, telling reporters: “All I can say is my trust belongs in the Lord.”

Assistant Attorney General Leslie R. Caldwell of the Justice Department said the conviction should be considered a strong warning against public corruption.

“In pursuit of a lifestyle that they could ill afford, McDonnell and his wife eagerly accepted luxury items, designer clothes, free vacations and the businessman’s offer to pay the costs of their daughter’s wedding,” 

Caldwell said in a statement. “In return, McDonnell put the weight of the governor’s mansion behind the businessman’s corporate interests. The former governor was elected to serve the people of Virginia, but his corrupt actions instead betrayed them.”  Read more:

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