
Female Domination

Of the 2010 Census population, 157.0 million were female (50.8 percent) while 151.8 million were male (49.2 percent).

The male-female ratio in higher education has been steadily moved in favor of the females ever since the 1970s. Total enrollment figures show that females outnumbered their male counterparts for the first time in the late 1970s, and they have steadily increased their numerical advantage ever since.

On a national scale, public universities had the most even division between male and female students, with a male-female ratio of 43.6–56.4. While that difference is substantial, it still is smaller than private not-for-profit institutions (42.5-57.5) or all private schools (40.7-59.3). The nearly 40-60 ratio of private schools was most surprising, though perhaps this is partly due to the fact that most all-female schools are private.

Lightbulb: It does not take a brain surgeon to see that if there are more female going to and graduating from colleges and universities that there will eventually be more females in middle and upper management positions of control and influence.

If you want to read more, click on this link, http://www.forbes.com/power-women/, about the 100 most powerful women in the world based upon 2014 data.

The term female-led relationship ("FLR"), or female-centered relationship ("FCR") refers to a model dynamic for a romantic heterosexual relationship in which both partners agree that the woman, (whether she is regarded as wife, girlfriend, significant other or life partner), will act as the leader, principle partner and ultimate authority of the relationship, while the man will obey, comply with and fulfill her as she desires and sees fit.

On the social media site Pinterest, https://www.pinterest.com/uhusband/female-led-relationship/, there are several pinned pages that are devoted to couples who are in and devoted to female led relationships.

There is an interesting psychology of control...

The Submissive male craves being controlled. To a person that is not submissive these cravings may appear strange or off base. In the mind of the submissive man they are not strange at all, quite the opposite. They are real and very strong.

The submissive male craves being recognized for giving themselves willingly. They like to do things for their partner that are often simply taken as a reduction in stature. This includes house chores. These do not reduce any ones stature as it is something couples do on a daily basis. This offering of their submission is one quick way for them to make a huge difference in their partners life. Taking more responsibility from them and shouldering it.

The submissive male craves sexual submissive. This dynamic is huge and causes many men to chase dominate women in the bdsm lifestyle. The truth is that they secretly desire their partner to be the dominate partner and to feel safe in their submission to them. Real submissive men do not have to be beaten into submission or taken kicking and screaming. They will go happily!

The submissive craves structure. He wants direction from her, he wants order from her. He needs to understand her expectations and how to make her happy. He wants discipline and expects it. For in that scenario he is free to feel he is trying to satisfy his partner and even if he falls short she cares enough to stick to rules and not abandon him emotionally.

According to Psychology Today,

Traditional dating and courtship rituals serve two main goals - one evolved, the other social.
1) From an evolutionary psychology standpoint — due to differential parental investment, females are more reproductively valuable than males (See Kenrick here, here, and here). As a result, males of many species "earn" female reproductive access through resource allocation, gifts, and provisioning. Because resources, status, and ambition are attractive to women (Buss, 2003),
2) From a social psychological standpoint— traditional male-led dating is also a process of socialization and gender role establishment. Repetition of decision-making and behavior in both men and women leads to self-image change via processes of commitment/consistency (Cialdini, 2009) and self-perception (Bem, 1972).

If a traditional relationship is a turn off, then it is inadvisable from an influence standpoint to follow the traditional dating script. Particularly, if a woman wants to lead or be equal in a relationship, it doesn't set a good precedent to be passive and dependent when that relationship is established. At the least, it sends the wrong signal—if not putting her at a power disadvantage.
Therefore, for women-led and egalitarian relationships, it makes persuasive sense for the woman to make the first date request and pay for the first date (for more on asking, see here, here, and here). This clearly establishes her disinterest in a passive relationship role. It also gives her the added benefit of actively selecting a lover of her choosing—rather than just passively accepting/rejecting men who make a request. There is, however, a greater chance of rejection (see here). But, that appears to be the social price for choice, influence, and leadership.

If you are similar to me in any way, then, I am sure you have heard the phrase, “behind every good or successful man, there is an equally good and successful female.”

That was true because, males typically took the lead but with our changing society and more and more women entering the marketplace, that role is beginning to reverse itself and more and more females are taking the lead, and are now supported by equally good men behind them.

I recall shortly after my second marriage complaining to someone that my new wife was telling me what to wear, not each day, but when we went out somewhere, picking my pants, shirt, and shoes. I remember saying that the only decision I have left is picking out my underwear and that is not decision because all the damn things look the same.

I remember he smiled which irritated the hell out of me but he also said, “So what... just let her.”

When I was considering being an agent for Primerica, one of the suggestions they made was listen to your wife talk to others and learn from the way she asks questions, probes for information, and in general strikes up a conversation because as an AGENT for us, this is exactly what you will need to do and how you will need to do it.

Throughout my career, I would rather work for or with a female because they take their job more seriously than males do for the most part.

In just about every class that I ever taught where there were both male/female students, my female students were always better with their responses and papers.

So, it really makes sense to me that women are turning the male dominated world upside down and taking that role away from men... and, it is happening more and more and more.

It is also very interesting how we refer to a very power naval vessel with a “she” reference and it is equally interesting how we refer to earth as “mother earth.”

Since I know this is going to happen, my question is: “Will women treat males in the same way males treated females or will it be better or worse?”

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