

Let us think of God as a lover
Who never calls,
Whose pleasure in us is aroused
In unrepeatable ways,
God as a body we cannot
Separate from desire,
Saying to us, “Your love
Is only physical.”
Let us think of God as a bronze
With green skin
Or a plane that draws the eye close
To the texture of paint.
Let us think of God as life,
A bacillus or virus,
As death, an igneous rock
In a quartz garden.
Then, let us think of kissing
God with the kisses
Of our mouths, of lying with God,
As sea worms lie,
Snugly petrifying
In their coral shirts.
Let us think of ourselves
As part of God,
Neither alive nor dead,
But like Alpha, Omega,
Glyphs and hieroglyphs,
Numbers, data.

Mark Jarman



I like this. Sounds like my good friend Edward (Ed) Hays. Ever read his stuff? Thanks for posting.
P.S. Everyones selfish God is not the God of us all. We are ONE as humanity and have one universal God. Not a private God. Spread the word.

terry said...

Can't agree, I dont believe there is a god, cause any god I may believe in does not allow children to starve to death, nor animals to suffer because humans LOVE to eat them.


If you don't believe in God then it is difficult to believe in anything beyond what is just this earth. This earth is tarnished and is not all there is. The mistake in reasoning is not with God but with us. The fragility and impermanence of life on earth can only better be understood when we look beyond. Anything given life never dies, only to this earth. Beyond there will be no death and not more suffering by any living thing. It is our pride that prevents us from seeing this. There is no greater destroyer of pride but when we lose something we value, be it the life of someone we love or ultimately our own.