
W. I. I. F. M.

What’s in it for me?
by Alex Hutchins

A few months ago, I was working for a proprietary school in Kentucky and it was there that I was exposed to WIIFM from the standpoint the Upper Management understood the importance of WIIFM to recruiting students into the college.  It is such a simple phrase with powerful implications and it is a question that we ask ourselves in almost every situation from selecting an education to selecting a place to vacation to selecting an employer.  In fact, the decision to participate in co-authoring this blog was based upon WIIFM.  It is no wonder that we have turned into a “me first” generation; yet, WIIFM drives almost every decision we make because it also revolves around how each of us will feel based upon the decisions we make.

WIIFM forms the basis of good customer service, revolving around these elements:

  1. what customers see
  2. what they hear
  3. what they smell
  4. what they touch
  5.  how they are physically affected

Credit Unions use WIIFM to attract more customers:

  • Keep more of YOUR money with lower fees & better rates!
  • Are NOT owned by stockholders or controlled by out-of-town corporate offices, they are owned by members like you who have accounts there!
  • Credit cards with low or no annual fees & low interest rates
  • Low cost or free checking with low or no minimum balance requirements

Employers use it for the disengaged worker by providing:

àa stable job in an unstable marketplace
àa salary bonus
àgood working conditions
àjob advancement

Interestingly, none of areas asked for employee commitment.

1 comment:

terry said...

Commonly called brainwashing. However, if you havent yet moved your money into credit unions do so. They are owned by the depositors, no CEO making assloads of money on our deposits. As an aside, during the last "bank transfer" day in November its estimated over 6 billion dollars was moved out of the big banks and into smaller banks or credit unions. Next bank transfer day coming up in May. PARTICIPATE if you havent already done so