
American Pie


Make no mistake about it . . .   Romney won last night's debate.  Romney went on the offensive and President Obama spent the entire time defending his position to the point of appearing that he really did not want to be there to "face the music" so to speak...

BRAVO ! ! ! goes to the Republicans Party, those who coached Romney for the event, and all the wealthy businessmen who stand to get wealthier during a Republican administration.

So, 4 years ago, an unknown won the White House and made a valiant attempt at correcting previous Republican administrations had set into motion.

So, 4 year ago, an unknown took the reins of a country whose debt was owned by a foreign power and whose internal structure, well being, and welfare was owned and controlled and manipulated by a wealthy few, now referred to as the 1%.

So, 4 years ago, an unknown and untested President went up against the Republican Party that spent the next 4 years trying to undermine his Presidency for the sole purpose of removing him from office in 2012.

AND YES FRANCIS, President Obama did not look that confident on the stage but does that presuppose that Republicans would have done any better these last 4 years, does it?

Obviously, that is a rhetorical question.

I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, although I was raised a Democrat by my parents; I vote for the person who I believe will do the best that they can for Americans as a whole.

Typically, Democrats spend money but they do so to take care of ALL AMERICANS because they perceive that to be their most important function.  And typically, Republicans spend less money because they believe business is what controls commerce and the economy.  And, for the most part I agree as an Instructor of Business and Management - but, it is a cold, cruel, methodical world in which they live and their focus is not on people but on the bottom-line and on the dividends that they must pay to their stockholders at the end of each quarter.

So, the phrase was born:  It is nothing personal, just business.

This is exactly what we saw in last night's debate and in my opinion why Romney (who is a very clever orator) won this debate.

Will he win others if there are others, who knows?

Because he won the debate does that mean he would be a good President?  Hard to say and only time would tell if he got elected, but historically,

Democrats do more for Americans than Republicans do, regardless of economic crisis or not.

Either way the vote goes in a few weeks, the wealthy will get wealthier and there is nothing that anyone or anybody or anything can do about that.

Either way the vote goes, America is being dragged into a global economy that is taking our wealth and spreading it across the rest of the world.

Either way the vote goes, OPEC oil countries will continue to extract massive amounts of dollars out of America just as swiftly as retirees suck out dollars from pension funds.

Either way the vote goes, small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures will continue to be started throughout the global economy as those who did without for years now are hungry for a piece of American Pie.

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