
Aliens may pose risk to us

British physicist Stephen Hawking says aliens are out there, but it could be too dangerous for humans to interact with extraterrestrial life. Hawking claims in a new documentary titled "Into the Universe With Stephen Hawking" that intelligent alien life forms almost certainly exist — but warns that communicating with them could be "too risky."     Read More

Hawking has a motor neurone disease that is related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a condition that has progressed over the years and has left him almost completely paralysed.     More on Stephen

Stephen William Hawking was born in 1942, 300 years after the
 death of Galileo.  Like most children growing up after the war, Stephen's father wanted him to attend Med School but he wanted to pursue Mathematics, so he chose Physics instead.  His Bio



Well he just ruined my last hope of finding intelligent life on earth.

Guess I just sit back and wait for the attack of the alien slime bugs.

Alex said...

You have been watching too much of the SciFi channel...

Dr. Hawking is a very well respected theoretical physicist who also supports the popular scientific notions of string theory and multiple dimensions.

NOVA ran a special on String Theory narrated by Brian Greene.

terry said...

For the third time and lets see if this one takes, I watch Ancient Aliens. I totally believe they were here long before we were. In fact we are them, gone horribly wrong!


I always thought this guy was smart, and you too, Terry, but it is all a bunch of bunk.

BTW if you are having trouble posting as I have had as well, what ever you do, "don't stray". If you go over and try to move things, it all disappears. But is still there and may come up again for you to post when/if you stumble across from it. Meanwhile, forget this alien crap. And if they are real, then this guy has it right, they will be slime bugs and they won't be arrving in Hollywood style saucers.

terry said...

Dan you have never proven to me it is bunk. Just because you dont believe it does not mean its not true!

terry said...

HOLY SHIT! I dont know where to post this comment but Vic you live in my county! Or I live in your county, or we both live in the same county! Where the heck do you live? I'm in Palmtucky, otherwise known as Palm Bay.


Terry: You can't prove a negative. If nothing is there how can I prove it except to say I see no evidence of aliens from outter space. And if they "are" out there, then why do we always assume they are smarter than us? Until proven, it remains "bunk".

Alex said...

Glad to see that we are in a small dispute here... Thomas Jefferson said that opposing views are healthy.

I watched Ancient Aliens too and have read several books on the subject too.

It is hard to believe as big as the universe is these days that another form of life is logically not possible. I would think that from a logical point-of-view that it would be.

Greek and Roman mythologies speak often of marriages and children between gods and mortals. In fact, in one wanders back far enough, really old mythologies have similar stories to those in the Bible, especially the great flood.

One's faith is always based upon unproven issues by default.

In fact, Jesus claims that His kingdom is not of this world, so he is an alien that visited earth which is an historical fact.