
America - Land of Opportunity

Hunger in America: United States Hunger and Poverty Facts

World Hunger Education Service

Hunger in the United States

There has been a dramatic increase in hunger in the United States in the three years, 2008, 2009 and 2010. There appears to be a slight decrease in hunger in 2011, as the economy improves.  Statistics are only available for 2008.  They show:   for instance,

In 2008, 17 million households, 14.6 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the United States.

Why are we not doing something to help our own???
Think about all the money that is being spent or will be spent on the next Presidential election!
Think about all the money we spend on attending professional sports events!
Think about all the money we spend on fighting other nation's wars!
Think about all the money that we spend on cigarettes and down-the-road health care costs!
Think about it or do something...

2010 Statistics...  thanks Dan.



(Happened again. My comment disappeared, let's try again and appologize if it shows twice)

There is a more up to date list of stats that just came out for 2010


terry said...

Some of us are thinking about it Dan, just that our thoughts and concerns are no longer those of our elected officials. I heard yesterday that 30% of 20 somethings and 30 somethings are now living at or below the poverty level. In this economy they will never have a way to rise above it. So damned sad


Lots of stats here, but this is the one that should be highlighted: "The South was the only region to show statistically significant increases in both the poverty rate and the number in poverty -- 16.9 percent and 19.1 million in 2010". Will comment on why I think this is the most important stat in next comment box.


America's South has always had a high poverty rate, and it continues to grow. Poverty seems to breed poverty, and literally as the birth rates are higher as well. How to get out of the vicious cycle of poverty is the key most people don't have. I belive we start with education, and esp. educating mothers about "life" decisions and how best to manage their situation. Education alone is not enough, as people also need opportunity. So how do we provide this segment of society opportunity, and perhaps benefit the American economy as well? My idea comes in next post.


Tax free zones work in other countries so why not here in America? If we take the poorest areas of our country and map out areas for working zones that would be tax free to any company outside of the U.S. who wishes to come in and move their manufacturing operations to American Soil, but special soil because none of the American taxes would apply, including social security or other payroll taxes. Plus the corporations would not be taxed on income. This would incourage foreign companies to invest in building plants here using American labor and materials, expanding our economy. Then they would be hiring people from poor areas to work, providing opportunity. The products qualifying for manufacture would be for export only so as not to compete with American sales. This is an overly simplified proposal but I am certain it would have long lasting benefits. Too often our corporations have run to other countries, now maybe we can attract other countries to come here.