
And the Nation will Parish from this Earth

My Analysis of the Republican Party
by Victor M Adamus

I spent some time analyzing the Republican Party dating back to the 2008 election because that was an election that people voted for the Tea Party as representatives and Senators to the U. S. Congress.  If these obstructionists are allowed to grow in numbers it could very well lead to the end of the United States as we know it. 

Today the only mission for these Tea Party representatives is to destroy President Barack Obama at all cost.  Even if it means destroying the nation we love.  Here's what any successful Republican Candidate can and most likely will do if elected president:

Take away bargaining rights for unions; eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and all unemployment benefits; discontinue the Department of Education; cut taxes on the rich and big business to zero percent and use government tax dollars to subsidize their corporate interests; remove all federal, state, and local regulations on businesses large and small; support the Supreme Courts ruling to allow a piece of paper to donate as much as the corporation wants to Republican candidates; draw new boundaries to insure the Republicans stay in power forever; stop funding stem cell research; remove all regulations for Wall Street; shore up the nation's borders with our military and raise taxes on the poor.

If they achieve the above, they have, in effect, set up a new government . . . a banana republic.  It will no longer be a government of the people, by the people.  After 230 years that Constitutional Democracy will perish from the face of the Earth.

Vic, I agree, but...
both parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, as well as the Independents, are all wealthy politicians; they all belong to the same Country Clubs and the same "Good Ole Boys" Clubs and vacation at the same locations, visit the same nightclubs and bars and are invited over to each other's house for weekend parties. These politicians differ only as to how they want to manipulate the Government and ultimately the people that will result in increased power and increased wealth and increased influence. The Lobbyists stear the rudder of the ship and Industry is the wind that is blown into their sails. Wall Street is their hand maiden and the courts are their conscience. ALL of them are equally complicit in the game they are playing with and on the American public. It is not politics, it is money that is the root of this problem.



Use your fishbone chart and you will find the true blame as to who wishes to tear down this institution (and it is not just to get Obama - it is to DESTROY). It's not Republicans, and it's not even the Tea Party....you need to keep tracing the symptoms and you find the Koch Brothers and Big Oil. It is all about enriching them and screwing everyone else. It is a big and powerful organization with PACs all over the map. Beware!

Unknown said...

If Koch gets the elected reps to put a Sheriff of Nottingham in charge, the old will die young, the poor will relocate, it will be a different nation of non caring individuals with horrendous military power.

Alex said...

Both parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, as well as the Independents, are all wealthy politicians; they all belong to the same Country Clubs and the same "Good Ole Boys" Clubs and vacation at the same locations, visit the same nightclubs and bars and are invited over to each other's house for weekend parties. These politicians differ only as to how they want to manipulate the Government and ultimately the people that will result in increased power and increased wealth and increased influence. The Lobbyists stear the rudder of the ship and Industry is the wind that is blown into their sails. Wall Street is their hand maiden and the courts are their conscience. ALL of them are equally complicit in the game they are playing with and on the American public. It is not politics, it is money that is the root of this problem.


Aaaah, so we follow the fishbone even further to get to the root cause. Money! But not just money. The "love" of money.

Unknown said...


Phil said...

Heil Citizens... are we back in Germany.

terry said...

I'm with Vic and Alex although I never really know which one is commenting or posting :-)

Anonymous said...

And where does terry live in Florida?