
Bachmann's Big Come Back

from Politico

In the debate widely seen as her last chance to stop her presidential hopes from fading into obscurity, Michele Bachmann bought herself some time.

Her aggressive performance in Monday night’s CNN/Tea Party Express debate put the Minnesota congresswoman back in the story of the 2012 campaign — at least for now.

Bachmann took on front-runner Rick Perry with a tough attack on his attempt to mandate an HPV vaccine for preteen girls in Texas — and his relationship with Merck, the manufacturer. When he tried to shut her down, Bachmann went right back at him.

“The governor’s former chief of staff was the chief lobbyist for this drug company. The company gave thousands of dollars in political donations to the governor, and this is just flat-out wrong,” Bachmann said.

“If you’re saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I’m offended,” Perry responded


terry said...

If he cant be bought for 5k, how much can he be bought for?

terry said...

Oh and totally like the pic, only thing missing is the corn dog