
Cain Takes the Florida Straw Poll

by Victor M Adamus

"Mother of God, look down upon me for I have sinned," says Mary Gibbons.  I met her at the store Sunday morning and my friend and devout Republican was still in shock that Cain, a black man, won the Republican straw vote big time Saturday night.  The straw poll, I might add, has predicted who heads the Party in the General Election 2 out of 3 times. 

To make matters worst, Mary is thinking ahead with a great deal of confidence by saying, "two black choices, what has this country come to"?

Well, that got me thinking.  When did the Republican Party ever have a black presidential hopeful at the top of their ticket?  How 'bout never?  The closest I recall was Allen Keyes, the religious fanatic who I think got what was coming to him when his daughter announced she was a lesbian.

No other black person comes to mind.  But that doesn't mean Mr "9 9 9" with the greatest and fairest tax plan ever, will fold before the August Convention.  He could borrow a Democratic rant "Keep Hope Alive" and gain even more confidence going forward.  But like Mary, I just don't think the Christian Right, the Tea Parteirs, are ready for a black Republican president.  Hell, they hate what's in the White House now.  The hard right in Congress today choke when they have to address Obama as "Mr President".  War was declared when a certain Congressman Wilson yelled "You Lie"! at Obama in his first address to Congress and it's been downhill from then.

So what can we say to encourage Mr Cain to continue his run for the top spot on the Republican ticket?  How 'bout "Mother of God, look down upon me for I have sinned. . . and it was good".



Let me guess. Mary Gibbons is Irish and just on her way home from Mass and having "communion" (where we celebrate all being ONE). Was I close?

Anonymous said...

NO. I have known her for years, since she once was a neighbor, and she is a Baptist and very much involved with the church and Republican party.


Thanks for the facts, but I wasn't far off as far as that actually does happen, coming right out of church after Holy Communion and cussing out your "neighbor". I never understood this disconnect.