
Can America Compete?

Twice as many students in Singapore are proficient in math as in the United States.  (Even ‘brainy’ Massachusetts lags behind Liechtenstein.  Read Aug. 2011 Article  …the US educational system remains frozen in place, unable to adapt to contemporary global realities.

America is the second largest economy behind the European Union, but still far ahead of China and Japan.  In what sectors is America going to innovate, lead, and win?
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Our American economy fell off the wall
and all the government spending
and all the political finger pointing
and all the business skepticism
could not put the economy back together again.



Our problems began when we became adicted to instant gratification. Our push button society's values have extended to making a quick buck. No one is patient any more. No one desires to "earn" something if it can be given them right away, or worse "taken". That's what happened. Our problems were a long time in the making and now will be a long time in solving. However we sit back and still expect "instant gratification" and immediate answers. There are none!


To answer your post title question: Yes, America can compete, but we must "invest" in our future. It is OK to go in debt if that debt is going to pay for itself in the future. Going in debt to pay for wars is not going to pay for itself, unless perhaps we invade and take over Canada :-) American's best resources are not in the ground (not in drill baby drill) but in the minds of our youth.

terry said...

Of course Amerika can compete. Compete for the few jobs available, compete for a place in the unemployment line, compete in line at food banks. Oh we can compete alright!