
Child abuse increased as economy crashed, study shows

reports, "As the U.S. economy began to tank, the number of abused kids landing in the hospital with severe brain injuries spiked, a new study shows. "



Studies have shown a direct link between poverty and child abuse, (yet child abuse is not restricted to the poorest of the poor). Now this study shows child abuse spiking as economy slides and more people are in financial trouble which should confirm a link. The study also implies the need for government programs. I don't agree. Once again we are going after the symptom rather than the cause. If there is a link, then the cause is poverty, and if we need a government program it is to reduce poverty in this country. It is growing at an alarming rate. All while fewer and fewer Americans control all the wealth.

Anonymous said...

Is this a symptom or just a natural by product of a large population base?


Helping abused children is all well and good, but ignoring the root problem for most of it, "poverty", is a failing of societies. What is a natural product of a large population base is the proportionate increase in fertility. It is a proved fact that high fertility rates coorelate strongly with poverty and also the lack of education, esp. for mothers. An increase in spending on education for mothers would go a long way towards controlling population growth, towards making a living, and the proper rearing of children.

terry said...

Dan GREAT comments, BUT we've been trying for decades to do exactly what you suggest, get to the root of the problem. When the economy tanks its not just those who were in poverty, it is now those who are newly impoverished! Those very same people who had all the benefits of a fine upbringing and good education. We are all beginning to fall through the cracks here!