
Cold front moves through Reagan Library

Sleep came easily to me last night after watching the Republican candidates debate since nothing remarkable was stated keeping me awake considering Obama's defeat; in fact, the cold front that moved through East Tennessee yesterday was more interesting; although, there was definately a cold front moving through the Reagan Library as the 8 candidates found faults with each other and pointed out flaws in each other's records.  It was not even good politcal rhetoric and like the drizzle of rain that was associated with yesterday's cold front, so too came the drizzle of rhetoric and the need for me to activate my mental windshield wipers.

Gingrich pushed back on the moderators who tried to create an Irene-like hurricane on stage but had no problem tossing lightening bolts at each other.  Huntsman, in addition to making sure he was a "no pledges" kind of guy, wanted the moderators to stay on the "big" issues of the day for which they were prepared and not on the "little" issues for which they were not.  No...  Yes...  I can see how the public would not want a candidate who thinks "on-their feet."  Out of the candidates lined up on the stage, it was clearly obvious, at least to me, that the Moderators targeted only 4:  Perry, Romney, Huntsman, and Paul.  The others were included but clearly not their favorites.  The only tidbit of information that I remember from Bachman was the statement she made indicating that gasoline was $1.79/gallon when Obama took office.

Each of these candidate had their own plan or solution that would cure the "economic ills" of the country but none of them ever made mention of how they could work together with all parties in the Congress and in the Senate, and using that concept of "teamwork" lead the country into a viable new direction of economic global competitiveness.  It was all about "I," and not about "We."  However, many of these candidates wanted to push the powers and expenses of the Federal Government down to the level of and empower the States, which, in essence, would reduce the debt of the Federal Government but in turn increase the debt of the State Governments, causing States to raise taxes to cover their new expenses.

All in all, I think the Democrats had a good night's sleep as well.

You said a mouthful Alex,

It was a good time to yawn.  A no newsy day played out by people desparate to win the White House in 2012.  Some of them acted like the normal chickenhawk crackpots we see in the Tea Party tribe.  And what's with this guy and his 999 tax plan?  Well, at least someone said something new.  I think Backman failed miserably as this was her night to set her hair on fire.  She never got the chance.  In fact, she was silent for at least 20 minutes, a gap she will never forgive.

I think it's high time we teach Perry that Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme.  He seems to have tied his campaign to those lines which in a general election will lose him the elder vote and there are plenty of them you can count on to go to the polls and vote.  Everyone on Social Security and Medicare paid for it over 20 to 30 years or more of hard work, including you and me.  They are getting their investment back.  It's a program that won't win votes if you say you want to shut it down.

I also make note that none of the questions this blog wanted the moderators to ask were asked making for a usual dull debate.  Like you wrote Alex, a cold front indeed moved through the Reagan Library. I personally didn't see anyone on the stage who could win in 2012.



terry said...

Given Perry has been pretty much on the government dole his entire life, from farm subsidies to 27 years in various government jobs, all paid for by the taxpayers of course, its interesting that he thinks his "take" is totally different than the "take" some of us are "enjoying" at the moment, the very "take" that we worked years for and paid into, unlike Perry!

terry said...

Addendum. Rick Perry also got a vasectomy paid for by the tax payers. In the meantime he has cut over 2/3rds of the funding that should go to women needing birth control, family planning, mammograms, etc. He got his, fuck us!