
Could It Be Racism?

by Victor Adamus

A few political items that got me wondering this week was the one that started with Speaker of the House John Boehner, a known good ole’ boy for years, told the “boy” in the White House his request to address the joint Congress had to be rescheduled from Wednesday in “prime time” to Thursday before the NFL kicked off the football season.  This comes from a speaker who so far, in his distinguished tenure, managed to pass 12 bills, an historic record as the lowest of any speaker in history.  Watching a TV debate by Republican hopefuls who their own pundits claim there is no front runner, is more important than hearing a jobs plan for all Americans out of work by the Commander in Chief.

The second item I take issue with is a report that President Obama will honor NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson and 11 other drivers in a White House ceremony on Wednesday but, but, but, half the 2010 contenders won’t be there.  They have more important things to do.  This coming from a group of rednecks who drive fast cars around a circle for cash awards.  Awards for what?  Wasting a natural resource?  I thought these car drivers had it together.  Apparently not.
"For a sport that prides itself on patriotism, having so many drivers turn down the president's invitation simply seems strange.

Yeah, it's strange all right.  I just can't figure it out.  I always thought the NASCAR circuit was a bastion of cosmopolitan open mindedness.  The idea that five of its drivers don't want to meet Obama at the White House just floors me.  What do you suppose could have gotten into their heads?  Do you think it's the company they keep?  I dunno:"

Well I do.  It's the same Tea Party crowd, a segment of the Republican Party, that want the black guy out of the White House in 2012.  The "piss party" as they are getting known by independent voters because a small contingent have managed to piss off an entire country with the limited seats they won in 2010.  Turning down the president isn't any different than Boehner rescheduling a Joint Session of Congress to hear the president's job plan.  It has nothing to do with the Office of the Presidency but everything to do with racism.

Plain and simple.  That crowd don't like black folks.


Anonymous said...

Your assumption is wrong. The NASCAR circuit is not a bstion of cosmopolitan open mindedness, it is full of Southern Baptists and rednecks, who still drive around with the Confederate Flag attached to their cars, like they were supporting some local football game

terry said...

I'm with anonymous! But the rest I agree with, racists, and not even thinly veiled!

Tom said...

This problem is likely never to get resolved; the more we preach the more we remained separated.