
Just the Facts Ma'am

Congress approval at all time low: 13%

Obama approval at all time low: 38%

Food stamp recipients at an all time high in May: 45.8 Million

Number of jobs created in August: 0. First time since WWII we’ve hit 0.

Number of bank executives prosecuted, indicted or imprisoned due to fraud: Zero

Approx number of homeowners or individual brokers prosecuted, indicted or imprisoned for mortgage fraud: 31…in the last 3 weeks.

70 bank failures this year so far (September 2, 2011). That’s behind last year’s record number but still a way ahead of years like 2006, when there were none.

Homeownership at lowest level in at least 13 years. 65.9%; Morgan Stanley says that’s optimistic, if you factor in those delinquent homeowners and the real number is more like 59.2% the lowest level since 1965

More Facts...  Ma'am...

The Home Affordable Refinance Program was extended until June 30th of 2012. Under the HARP 3-step program, loans backed by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac can often be refinanced to today's 4%-5% range (30 year loan) without closing cost...ZERO, not added to the loan, but really zero closing costs.  This program is targeted to your primary and secondary residences, but some rental loans will also qualify. The loans must be current and some other criteria applies, but you should definitely contact a loan officer for your loan company to see which of your loans qualify.

HARP FAQs                      HARP for Investment Property

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