

Politics as Usual?
by Victor M Adamus

Yesterday the Justice Department filed a motion in the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the 2010 Health Reform Law which they didn't have to do or respond to until next summer, pushing it into 2013 well after the November 2012 general election.  So is this a political move on behalf of the Obama Administration?

They want to know who's right early, a decision which would most likely come in the Spring of 2012, in response to a defeat in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals brought on by 26 States and business leaders.  The court ruled "the requirement that nearly all Americans buy insurance is unconstitutional".  One State has already ruled it is constitutional. 

It's more than likely Obama sees this as a win and would help boost his campaign in June 2012.  It doesn't look as if it is the Administration playing politics.  It does look like another dumb move by Republicans to fight against anything that Obama does to improve the quality of life for all Americans.

It is, in fact, his major accomplishment in his first term as President.  That and possibly giving the order to kill Osama bin Laden.

au contraire mon ami...

Everything that politicians and political parties do right now is intentional politics:  diversion and counter-diversion.  And, while I like the idea of universal health care coverage, I do not like the Feds taking away my "free will" and my ability to make my own choice.  And, from my conservative liberal point-of-view, I do not believe the Feds can or should take on my debt, nor should this responsibility be pushed down to the States. 

We, as a nation, should find ways to reduce the cost of healthcare, not put more responsibility on the shoulder of the American taxpayer; although, raising taxes on the wealthy and businesses is not out-of bounds here, especially since businesses are reporting to the SEC record profits.


When I had my bypass operation my insurance company said I now had a pre-existing condition and dropped me like a rock.  If it wasn't for my Congressman stepping up the plate to get me covered by the VA as a Vietnam Combat Veteran, I would have no health care at all.  You were free to make all the choices your little heart desired before Obamacare, but if you were diagnosed with cancer, or a heart condition, insurers could turn you down.  Is that fair?  They only insure healthy people?  I need to get a piece of that pie.

Well, if you think that was funny,

Knowing that the Justice Department filed a motion to uphold the 2010 Health Reform Law is being forewarned and forearmed that our country is moving closer and closer towards Socialism.

In this less than 3 minute video, famed economist the late Milton Friedman dispels the myth that socialism is advantageous to naturally superior free market capitalism.  The video excerpt is from a 1979 episode of The Phil Donahue Show.


Well I didn't see everyone screaming when it was mandatory to buy car insurance if you owned a car.  People who have mortgages on their homes must pay for homeowners insurance with the first beneficiary going to the bank.  You can't even get on an airplane without being patted down.  So what's the big deal?  You think this is Socialism?  I think it's a fear tactic used by the Republican Party to get your vote.  We have had so much Socialism, HMO's is another example, that all we have left is to use it as a way to steer the dumb to cast their vote for whoever is running on the Republican ticket.  Or how 'bout the guy who didn't pay his income tax?


terry said...

IDK I thought I heard that SCOTUS was going to make a ruling before the 2012 elections.

Anonymous said...

They were waiting for the Justice Department to respond to the appeal. They get up to one year to do that and went out early just so the Court could decide BEFORE the 2012 elections. More political than business as usual for the Court.