
The Last Days of the American Male

I hate to see you guys go!

Hanna Rosin’s 2010 Atlantic cover story, “The End of Men,” was one of the most talked-about magazine articles in recent years. “Man has been the dominant sex since, well, the dawn of mankind,” wrote Rosin, an award-winning journalist for Slate and the Atlantic. “But for the first time in human history, that is changing—and with shocking speed.”

That shift, she says, hasn’t showed signs of slowing in the past year. And that’s why she’ll debate for the motion that “men are finished” during the Sept. 20 live Slate/Intelligence Squared U.S. debate at NYU.

Why are men finished, exactly? Rosin says they’ve failed to adapt to a modern, postindustrial economy that demands a more traditionally—and stereotypically—feminine skill set.

Statistics show they’re rapidly falling behind their female counterparts at school, work, and home. For every two men who receive a college degree, three women will. Of the 15 fastest-growing professions during the next decade, women dominate all but two. Meanwhile, men are even languishing in movies and on television: They’re portrayed as deadbeats and morons alongside their sardonic and successful female co-stars.

  by Elizabeth Weingarten

1 comment:

Phil said...

Personally, I would have liked to see this trend come sooner as I would have loved to stay at home and take care of the kids while my spouse worked.