
Obama’s Jobs Plan Speech

Political pundits say, “We have heard it all before.”

Republicans Presidential candidates say, “We cannot spend our way out.”

Republican members of Congress and the Senate say, “We are not going to support anything that makes the President look good.”

Democrats rolled out the Grey Poupon Dijon mustard commercial, “but, of course.”

Television viewers were amazed at the President’s political passion.

Educators said, “This speech will be studied in Rhetoric classes in the future.

Historians said, “This speech ranks up there with Abraham Lincoln, Kennedy, Truman, and Churchill in a contextual way.

Foreign countries are saying, “The US continues to fight among themselves.”

The average American says, “How am I going to feed my family.”

The unemployed say of it all, “BOHICA.”

Simply put by an economic layperson, business will not hire workers or expand their operations unless their products, goods, and services are being sold and generating revenue.  The American worker, because of unemployment and the current recession, does not have discretionary funds with which to buy these products, goods, and services.  SO, from where is the money coming to purchases these commodities so that businesses can hire and grow?  Some believe that if we give businesses tax breaks that they will hire workers; but, do they need tax breaks since most of these businesses here in the US are reporting record quarterly profits.  Classical economic theory laid down by Adam Smith in his book, The Wealth of Nations, presupposed that businesses could and would curtail their greed.  Keynesian economics basically developed because they could not.

Obama’s speech was bold and underscored with passion, a true quality of a Leader, not a politician.  His message was clear and well articulated and drew upon historical debates where Democrats and Republicans came together to solve problems together and serve all their constituencies. Obama’s words bolted out to the American television viewer like lightening, giving them hope and confidence that their political leaders would come to their rescue.

Unfortunately, Obama’s speech has not be seen by our millionaire politicians as another September 11, 2001 when Americans put aside their political differences and came together as a nation; a nation that the rest of the world saw just as united as its name implied.  A nation that the rest of the world looked to in admiration, but unfortunately, does no more.  And, that is sad because as an educator how can I bring academic rigor into the classroom when our leaders have none?  How can I tell future leaders that they need to possess ethics and integrity when our leaders have none?

It challenged the Congress to act Alex.  "You should pass this Jobs Act right away"!! was the message I heard repeatedly as he put forth a speech, one he will be remembered for like JFK and other great Presidents.  The test to the Tea Party is on the table.  Will they vote it down?  If so, will America vote them out?  Like Obama said, out of work Americans don't have 14 months to wait.  I hope that line sticks but given the Eric Cantors of the world, of the Congress, I think they will act like they have since winning their seats in the House in 2010 and vote NO.  They are more intent on getting Obama out of the White House than helping Americans find jobs.

It was a great speech!

1 comment:

terry said...

As far as I'm concerned it was way too wimpy, just like O! He'll cave in, he always caves in