
Our Nation’s educational future

On 9-28-11, CBS National News with Scott Pelley reported that since our current recession started, 300, 000 teachers had been laid off nationwide and more layoffs are expected in the coming months.  While our current educational system needs tweaking, it is still the best in the world!!!  And, with the global economy getting stronger and some countries like China and India encroaching on our once exclusive domain, education is the only key to our success. 

Some would argue that one does not need an education in this day and age to be a success, and for some (a select few) that is true; but, for a majority of us, knowledge is power, and it is that power that opens the door to our future.  Looking at our current wealth distribution statistics, 1% of American own 43% of the financial wealth in the US.  So, for a majority of Americans, financial wealth is going to elude us.  Only 1 out of every 250 College athletes go “pro.”  In 2001, there were 161,000 musicians and performers out of a population of  281+ million which is actually a reduction from 1930 when there was 165,182 out of a population of almost 123 million.  In 2008, there were 155,100 Actors, Directors, Producers in the US with that number expected to grow to 172,000 by 2018.  But, not everybody in that industry is wealthy:
  • Median hourly wage of actors in 2008 was $16.5
  • Median annual salary for directors and producers in 2008 was $64,430
A joint agreement between the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) guarantees all unionized motion picture and television actors with speaking parts a minimum daily rate of $782 or $2,713 for a 5-day week as of June 2009. Actors also receive contributions to their health and pension plans and additional compensation for reruns and foreign telecasts of the productions in which they appear. Read more
Republicans who want to CUT Government spending rather than raising taxes on the Weathly
It should be ALARMING to all of us to hear that we are laying off teachers and risking the future global competitiveness of our country,
The United States of America!

1 comment:

terry said...

Its appalling! And given we are way down the list in education globally, I'm pretty sure we no longer have the best education in the world )-: Pretty sure though, the global revolution is going to affect some positive change in this country!