
Out of Body Experience

Pretty Cool

“During night shift an ambulance brings in a 44-year old cyanotic, comatose man into the coronary care unit. He was found in coma about 30 minutes before in a meadow. When we go to intubate the patient, he turns out to have dentures in his mouth. I remove these upper dentures and put them onto the ‘crash cart.’ After about an hour and a half the patient has sufficient heart rhythm and blood pressure, but he is still ventilated and intubated, and he is still comatose. He is transferred to the intensive care unit to continue the necessary artificial respiration. Only after more than a week do I meet again with the patient, who is by now back on the cardiac ward. The moment he sees me he says: ‘O, that nurse knows where my dentures are.’ I am very surprised. Then he elucidates: ‘You were there when I was brought into hospital and you took my dentures out of my mouth and put them onto that cart, it had all these bottles on it and there was this sliding drawer underneath, and there you put my teeth.’ I was especially amazed because I remembered this happening while the man was in deep coma and in the process of CPR. It appeared that the man had seen himself lying in bed, that he had perceived from above how nurses and doctors had been busy with the CPR. He was also able to describe correctly and in detail the small room in which he had been resuscitated as well as the appearance of those present like myself. He is deeply impressed by his experience and says he is no longer afraid of death.


1 comment:


I will comment first on the title. I personally knew someone who had out of body experiences and he described them to me. He was a totally normal human being, and not an ounce of crazy in him, except he claimed to have this ability.

When my Uncle died he saw his deceased mother as he was passing and his last words were "Hi Mother."

I read the link and find it of interest, esp. agree with the last sentence.

My personal belief is that this segment of life on planet earth is but a small flash in our existance. But what I think does not matter to anyone else. Only to me. However what I would like to share with others is that one must be very careful when they approach subjects such as this one or any kind of spirituality. If you believe in spirits then you must also acknowledge there are evil ones and so there are people with evil intentions who use this sort of thing to distort whatever the truth may be. We must be ever so careful to sort out truthfulness from deceit. Be careful and tread lightly, and not believe everything first hand. Where you find peace you will probably find truth.