
Ryan Blair - a self-made millionaire

Dan Schawbel, contributing writer for Forbes, interviewed Ryan and asked:

What's your take on the educational system? 

To which, Ryan responded,  "Because I had ADD and dyslexia I never got past the 9th grade.  I recall sitting with a career counselor in continuation high school, being told that I didn't have the intellect or aptitude to become a doctor or a lawyer. They suggested a trade school, construction, something where I'd be working with my hands. The irony is that today I employ plenty of doctors and lawyers."
                      Read the entire interview

This writer recalls rather vividly the year 1967 - it was my second year in College and I just wasn't happy and didn't feel like I needed to be in College but my parents wanted me to go, telling me I would thank them later.  So one day I cut class and drove over to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and spent all day taking a battery of tests that would tell me what I needed to be doing for the rest of my life.

It took 6-8 weeks to get  the results (just like most everything) and as I read the letter, my stomach felt enormously empty.I was informed that I needed to do something with my hands and that I should be working outside.  The researchers suggested that I become a brick layer or a house painter.  My roommate suggested I should build and paint brick out-houses, an idea that he thought was ridiculously funny.



Go figure. Left my comment here but it disappeared. Will try again at risk of duplication.
I had said thanks for intro to Ryan. He is an inspiration. To be learned from this man: 1) Never give up on any child, even when they grow up. He has introduced us to what it means to have a "purpose driven" life, plus a quality one at that. How many of the people you know today are just happy to survive? Just to cash in on a few cheap thrills a day. For too many, that is what life is all about. Sad.


2) One has to have a belief (faith, and does it does not have to be Christian). That belief has to be one of faith in positivity, having the proper vision, and motivation. That motivation can only be driven by faith; a true belief that you can truly accomplish incredible life successes no matter your background or setbacks in life. This is a completely novel approach for those who feel sorry for themselves and sit back thinking "you owe me 'cause I have been so disrespected and wronged".