
Sunday Morning

Imagine, Paul said to me once, that the present is simply a reflection of the future. Imagine that we spend our whole lives staring into a mirror with the future at our backs, seeing it only in the reflection of what is here and now. Some of us would begin to believe that we could see tomorrow better by turning around to look at it directly. But those who did, without realising it, would've lost the key to the perspective they once had. For the one thing they would never be able to see in it was themselves. By turning their backs on the mirror, they would become the one element of the future their eyes could never find...

For years I've been determined to get on with my life by doggedly hunting down the future... It's a blind way to face life, a stance that lets the world pass you by, just as you think you're coming to grips with it.
- "The Rule of Four" by Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason -



Speaking of the future......Did you know that the present does not exist? Think about it. It is impossible for there to be a present because as soon as you try to grasp it, it is the past.

Alex said...

There is no tomorrow either because when it get here, it is today.

Alex said...

The CERN lab believes it has discovered a particle that faster than the speed of light, and if that it true not only is Einstein's theory of the speed of light wrong, but time travel is possible, allowing us to revisit the past.

Anonymous said...

Which would bring us to yesterday, right? Any ideas on that one?