
Who is Herman Cain?

ü  He is a practicing Baptist with a rigorous belief system that includes the Trinity.
ü  He is 100% Pro-Life and opposes abortion in all circumstances
ü  He is 100% Pro-Family and opposes gay-marriage outright
ü  He is in favor of School Choice
ü  He is in favor of the Fair Tax
ü  He is strong on national defense
ü  He wants to change the welfare state into a program with incentives

Cain recently stated, “Because I believe that the principles that our Founding Fathers cherished, when they founded this country, and wrote the Declaration of Independence which inspired the Constitution, they were based upon biblical principles. I want to get back to those principles as president, if I run and get elected — not rewrite those documents”

Herman Cain is 65 years old with a Masters Degree from Perdue and with experience from the Restaurant Industry and the Federal Reserve Banking System, along with working for the Navy Department and operated a talk show out of Atlanta (substituting for Neal Boortz over the years). Cain will soon have his own book of memoirs entitled:  Who is Herman Cain, published by Simon & Schuster.   Watch the 9-9-9 video
Cains’s vision for economic growth                  



I don't care for any politician who wraps themselves in the Constitution and especially when they declare it was based on Christian principles. They all seem to have their own version of why it was created. They need to go back to their history books and see that the country back then was as split as it is today, perhaps worse, where we are split in two now, we were fragmented back then. The Constitution came together after a lot of give and take, having nothing to do with the Bible or Christian influence. And what they all forget: has been amended many times since to accomodate modern day needs/changes.

Alex said...

Stay tuned for an article about the Bill of Rights and where that could be taking us as a country.


Looking forward to the Bill of Rights. Ha! The same people who claim "Christian" influence inspiring the Constitution (mostly extreme conservatives), are especially devoted to the Bill of Rights. Someone needs to feed them some truth pills. Most of the content in those set of rights came from a man known as "The Father of 'Liberalism'", John Locke.