
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder then deception is in the eye of the electorate

United We Stand but divided we fall
by Alex Hutchins
House of Usher

Just as sure as I am the writer of this article, the USA, our house is divided…

Just as sure as our planet orbits around the sun, our house is divided…

Just as sure as Republicans fight Democrats, our house is divided…

Yet, our founding fathers in their inevitable wisdom designed her, our country, this way.  So, who are our founding fathers?  They were:  John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, Patrick Henry, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Thomas Paine, and George Washington.  These 11 revolutionists were willing to die for the freedom in which they believed.  Strong convictions one might say.  They were men of integrity, honor, and ethics.  They were men who “lived,” breathed,” “ate,” and wrote The Declaration of Independence.  George Washington was the only President that did not go to College and Patrick Henry is remembered more for his “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech at St. John’s Church than anything else.

Thomas Jefferson wrote into the Declaration of Independence that the power of the government is derived from the governed.  Before the colonies, kings ruled nations it was believed by the authority of God.  The Declaration of Independence was a radical document to say the least.  Our founding fathers created a Republic not a Democracy.  These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but unequivocal opposites.

The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, the individual, and any group of individuals composing any minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of the majority.
Writing the Declaration of Independence

A Republic, on the other hand, has a very different purpose and an entirely different form, or system, of government. Its purpose is to control the majority strictly, as well as all others among the people, primarily to protect the individual’s God-given, unalienable rights.

But, when a Government sets aside individual rights in favor of the rights of a free-market, enterprise system by allowing special privileges for the wealthy, then the electorate of that Republic should take back control.  Today, unfortunately, we find ourselves in that unique and strange position.

In 2009, people with incomes over $200,000 claimed $67.8 billion in itemized tax deductions on their tax returns for that year. Of that amount, the largest share of $22.8 billion, or roughly 34% of the total, was claimed through the mortgage interest tax deduction. We can only assume that it was more in 2010.  And, this year, 2010, is important to me because that is the year that I got terminated and still had to pay IRS taxes.

Businesses, both large and small are allowed deductions that reduce their tax liability. 

A common list of these deductions is listed below:
Click to enlarge

bad debts from sales or services
bank fees on business accounts
car and truck expenses
commissions and fees
cost of goods sold
dues for trade associations
employee benefits
gifts to customers, suppliers, etc.
insurance (casualty and liability)
legal and professional services
meals and entertainment
office expenses
pension and profit-sharing plans
rent or lease expense
repairs and maintenance
services performed by independent contractors
supplies and materials (not included in cost of goods sold)
travel expenses
wages of employees

A GAO study found that in every year from 1998 to 2005, approximately 55 percent of large corporations paid no corporate income tax. Of those companies who pay taxes, there is a line item on their Balance Sheet called Deferred Taxes where these companies only pay interest on their taxes due, while deferring their true tax liability until some future date.

Meanwhile, because of the various allowable deductions listed above, many corporations show paper loses while still generating a positive cash flow; and, of those companies that have a tax liability to defer, these companies are reporting record profits, while families are suffering due to an economic recession (caused by the greedy wealthy)  and the scourge of being unemployed.
2010 Unemployment Lines

Something ain’t right in this free-market enterprise system of ours that operates in a Republic, supposedly controlled by the electorate and that something is the art of deception at its best.


terry said...

Well, we are the ones that elected the "electorate" that we are currently having to suffer through. Our reluctance to inform ourselves about the candidates, has given us voters (well not me :-) ) exactly what we deserve!

I find it interesting that even I, have been uninformed. It never occurred to me that the government and powers to be like the Koch brothers, have been working for years to divide us as a people. I realized that this morning when reading alternet, and a comment made by a writer. That the protestors trapped by the po-lice on the Brooklyn bridge, were sharing with each other what little food and weather items they had AND that they were protecting each other. Protecting each other, speaks volumes, for that is something we as a people have not done in quite a long time!


Darn right something's not right and deception is maybe not the best word, but will do. We are no longer a Republic but a Democratic Republic, esp. when we got to elect our own Senators in 1913. But the electorate still does not have a direct say (ref: Electoral College). And a free market we are not and have not been esp. since 1890 when anti-trust act was implemented, then Food and Drug plus Federal Trade Commissions established in 1904; then the SEC in 1934 and Fair Labor Standards in 1938. Those darn corporations anyhow. Always have to have new laws to keep them under control. So nothing has changed today except Obama gets blamed for all the "business restrictions". (Sounds more like a Koch-ism to me). And for more Koch and Bull: "Take us back to the time of our founding fathers." Yeah, sure, where only the wealthy land owners (males only) had a say in government and their original intentions of Independence were for self-rule by the wealthy, to keep slavery, and take more Indian Lands (which the British didn't allow). Yeah, those were the good old days.