
Remembering the 1960’s

After doing a Google images search on “remembering the 1960’s,” I was not too impressed with the 20 pages of results that followed; in fact, out of all those hundreds of images that I viewed only two caught my attention… 
the one above and the one below…

FACTS about the decade:    

  • Population 177,830,000
  • Unemployment 3,852,000
  • National Debt was 286.3 Billion
  • Average Salary $4,743
  • Teacher's Salary $5,174
  • Minimum Wage $1.00
  • Life Expectancy:  Males 66.6 years, Females 73.1 years
  • Auto deaths 21.3 per 100,000
  • An estimated 850,000 "war baby" freshmen enter college; emergency living quarters are set up in dorm lounges, hotels and trailer camps.
I remember 15 cent hamburgers, 18 cents for a gallon of gasoline, 25 cents for a pack of cigarettes, feeling like the summers would never end, flattops, penny loafers, Wolfman Jack, wide beaches on the Outer Banks, PBR, drive-ins, cruising, JFK, Vietnam, Woodstock, zig-zag papers, summer jobs in road construction, and learning how to take responsibility, the carefree nature of music, and the lyrics of Dylan.

What do you remember?


Unknown said...

Reel to Reel tape decks.

terry said...

I remember all those same things! It was a magical time! At the moment I'm watching 1968 narrated by Tom Brokaw. Reliving the GREAT times in our lives!