

About 12 million people will die of cancer each year from around the world.  The figure is greater for the years beyond 2020.  The cost for Cancer care is about $286 Billion.  Cancer cures for humans also help treat animals.  A family pet could be cured of cancer because of the research done on humans.  We are all in this together.  And we support Lance Armstrong on this LIVESTRONG day by posting the yellow card above and reminding our friends how important it is to find a cure for all cancers.  You can read about Alex and my experiences with cancer by going here.

We are Cancer victims!

Visit Lance Armstrong's web site HERE.



terry said...

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by cancer cures to help treat animals. ALL cancer research is done on animals. Dogs in particular DO NOT respond to the customary chemo treatments the same way humans do. It doesnt make them sick, and gives them only two or three months of extra life. However, amputation of a limb affected by bone cancer, in a canine, can result in a normal lifespan. but then bone cancer in dogs does not spread to other bones in the body as it does in humans. and when it metastisizes, it forms clusters of non life threatening cancer cells in various vital organs. I'm pretty much sick to death of all the animals who have been sacrificed in the name of "the cure" the have to be "given" human cancer cells, dont respond to treatments the way we do, and are summarily disgarded when the data does not support the hopes of the researchers.

Anonymous said...

We were asked by the LIVESTRONG people to join them because Alex and I are both cancer victims. Their website, click on post, shows some statistics where human cures have helped cats and dogs that had cancer as well as some animals in the wild. That's why I included it in the post. The blogger had choices as to what to post, what was of interest to their readership.

terry said...

Well Vic, does their website show the statistics of the millions upon millions of animals that have been brutalized, in the quest for a cure of, any and all human ailments? And please tell me, given we have been dissecting hundreds of species of animals over the past 100+ years, in the name of finding a human cure, just exactly WHAT disease have we cured as a result? There are no cures, only treatments. I understand where you are coming from. Where I come from is it is against the law of nature to use others on this planet for "our" ultimate gain. If I had a heart ailment that could only be "cured" by transplanting a pig heart valve into my body, the answer for me would be a resounding hell no. That pig has just as much right to life that I do.